Most law school admissions consultants offer you either the professional development/admissions side or the academic. The Pre-Law Collaborative offers you both so the core of your application — the resume, personal statement, and school list — is strong and successful. Christine and Susan offer personal brainstorming sessions for both the resume and the personal statement — and you never work with anyone but us.
We are experts at providing support to underrepresented applicants (e.g., BIPOC, Latinx, LGBTQIA+, First Generation). We have been recognized for our diversity work by the Philadelphia Bar Magazine.
Ms. Christine Falcone, LPC — an expert career counselor and experienced pre-law advisor — meets with you to discuss your resume. After Christine’s insights and expert edits, you’ll have the resume that allows law schools to understand your breadth.
Dr. Susan Liebell, PhD — an expert writing specialist and experienced pre-law advisor — meets with you to brainstorm your personal statement. Susan helps you identify what is unique and impressive. What you take for granted may be exactly what law schools want to hear about to understand your depth.
The Works includes:
- Goal setting session with both of us. You leave with a clear plan and we create a list of schools to maximize your options. Personal essay (and, if needed, diversity statement) process with Susan. Brainstorm with Susan to develop your ideas and then receive expert feedback on your personal (and diversity) statement.
- Resume Coaching with Christine. Meet one-on-one with Christine and receive expert edits on your resume.
- Finalize School List with Christine. You’ll have a carefully-researched list of law schools that include safety, competitive, and reach programs — as well as law schools that might provide merit and/or financial aid.
Looking for something different? Check out all that the Pre-Law Collaborative has to offer!